It’s Spotlight Wednesday!
Today we are hearing all about Sylvia Mac, she is a disability advocate, the owner of Love Disfigure Talent Agency, and an amazing person.
I met Sylvia for a coffee, and I was immediately transported on her journey.
She founded Love Disfigure in 2017 to advocate for people with disabilities and last year she founded Love Disfigure Talent Agency, a modelling and talent agency, to teach people with disabilities how to model and booking them modelling jobs.
Her goal is to provide more inclusion and more diversity in fashion. Sylvia herself walked in London Fashion Week three times!
Sylvia started her entrepreneurial journey because she wanted to change, she wanted to stop feeling negative about her body and she wants to teach people to do that too.
Her journey to self-love has not always been easy, but a turning point was she started talking about and showing her scars.
But what about the name? The name came to be from a brainstorming session with Sylvia’s cousin and it felt perfect from the start. It is a play of words that works incredibly well as it sounds like ‘love this figure’ and it invokes its goal.
Sylvia started her journey with Hackney Impact through Caroline Diehl, one of our partners.
From Hackney Impact Sylvia gained access to a free workspace, networking and events.
Sylvia is an amazing person that has achieved so much as has done so much for the community.
Some of her biggest achievements are:
- The first time she set up her own inclusivity campaign with many women with disabilities that then ended up on TV.
- Winning the National Diversity Award-Positive Role Model for Gender 2023.
Unfortunately, running a business has its challenges as well. Sylvia faces a fund challenge now as she is trying to expand her business.
It is also personally difficult for her to say and accept that she has a disability, it’s been an ongoing process.
Before going I asked what her tips are for people starting their entrepreneurial journey, and she shared some amazing ones.
1) Take the first step, it’s scary but there are people out there that will help and support you in your journey.
2) Rest up. It’s fundamental for you to take days off, as being burnt out will not help you or your business.
3) If you’re disabled get accommodation that works for you
4) There is no need for negativity in your journey. If you get hate online immediately block and delete, it does not serve you a purpose.
This is all from me today.
See you all next week.